Second Tranche of Drinking Water and Wastewater Network Environmental Performance Measures

Closed 9 Dec 2022

Opened 3 Oct 2022


The Water Services Act 2021 includes requirements to monitor and report on the environmental performance of certain drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater suppliers and their operators.

These requirements are designed to provide greater transparency about the performance of networks, the impacts they have on the environment and public health, and to contribute to the continuous and progressive improvement of the quality of water services.

This discussion document provides detail on proposals for the second year of drinking water measures, including suggestions from submissions earlier in the year, and outlines the approach to introducing wastewater network environmental performance measures.

Detailed Summary

Taumata Arowai is conducting public consultation on a discussion document 'Drinking Water and Wastewater Network Environmental Performance'. The discussion document, and associated consultation documents, outlines measures that may be made under the Water Services Act 2021.

We recommend that you read the following papers before responding to the consultation:

Drinking Water and Wastewater Network Environmental Performance Discussion Document (1.68MB, PDF)

Drinking Water and Wastewater Network Environmental Performance Discussion Document Summary (618KB, PDF)

Why your views matter

Your feedback will help to inform decisions on developing drinking water and wastewater network environmental performance measures.

You can have your say by reviewing the papers identified above and answering the questions relating to the Drinking Water and Wastewater Network Environmental Performance Discussion Document or providing additional comments (see link below).

Submissions are open from 3 October to 9 December 2022. You can submit:

  1. by completing the online survey (link below) on this website
  2. by emailing your submission to, or
  3. by posting your submission to:

                 Taumata Arowai, 
                 PO Box 628, Wellington 6140, 
                 New Zealand.

You do not need to answer all the questions if you are only interested in some aspects of the consultation.

Publishing submissions and Official Information Act 1982 requests

Publishing your submission

We intend to proactively publish the submissions made as part of this consultation on our website, but only if we are given permission to do so.

We may publish a summary of submissions. The summary will be aggregated to a level so that individual submissions cannot be identified.

Official Information Act requests

Your submission may be subject to requests made under the Official Information Act 1982 (even if it has not been published). We must make your submission available in response to such a request, unless we have a good reason or other administrative grounds for withholding it.

Personal details can be withheld under the Official Information Act 1982, including your name and address. If you do not want any information you provide to be released, please indicate this clearly and explain why. For example, you may wish for some information to be kept confidential because it is sensitive personal information. Taumata Arowai will take your views into account when responding to such requests.

Privacy Act 2020

The Privacy Act 2020 governs how Taumata Arowai collects, holds, uses, and discloses personal information about you and the information you provide. It is necessary for Taumata Arowai to collect some information to meet its public consultation requirements under the Water Services Act 2021. 

This consultation is managed by Taumata Arowai. The technology used to host the consultation (Citizen Space) is operated by Delib. 

The public consultation process involves collecting and using some of your personal information if you choose to make a submission. Taumata Arowai will only collect information that you choose to provide and we will share only the information you have given consent to share unless required by law. Information collected such as age group, ethnicity, and general location will assist Taumata Arowai in obtaining a broader picture of community engagement in the process. 

You have the right to access and correct your personal information. If, after making your submission, you want to access your information to view it, to request a copy or to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong, please contact Taumata Arowai. 

Taumata Arowai may retain information you provide for as long administratively necessary. 

Please see the privacy statement on our website for further information Privacy, copyright and disclaimer | Taumata Arowai

Delib will not access your personal information unless requested to do so by Taumata Arowai, and only for the purposes of assisting them with the administration of this site. Some information provided by your computer when you use this website may be collected by Delib. For example, your browser type, IP address, language preference, referring site and the date and time. The purpose for collecting this information is to maintain the security of the website and for operating and improving the software.